Online Tee Times

Reserve your golf tee times online at Shining Rock Golf Club in Northbridge, MA. Our easy-to-use booking system ensures you can secure your preferred tee times quickly and conveniently.Tee times are best reserved anytime online through our Public or Member Portals. You may also call the Pro Shop, Monday through Sunday between 6:30am-5pm. Call 508-234-0400.

Tee times can be reserved 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, up to 7 days in advance. Tee times booked online must be secured with a credit card, BUT WILL NOT BE CHARGED.*

Tee times can be reserved 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, up to 10 days in advance. Tee times booked online must be secured with a credit card; BUT WILL NOT BE CHARGED.*

Welcome to the 2025 Golf Season!

All Golf Fees Include the Cart Fee

Monday - Thursday Non-Member
Prime Time (Until 2:00 PM)
Afternoons 2:00 PM until 5:00 PM
Twilight after 5:00 PM
9 hole
Friday Non-Member
Prime Time (Until 2:00 PM)
Afternoons 2:00 PM until 5:00 PM
Twilight after 5:00 PM
9 hole
Saturday, Sunday, Holidays Non-Member
Prime Time (Until 2:00 PM)
Afternoons 2:00 PM until 5:00 PM
Twilight after 5:00 PM
9 hole

SENIORS (age 60 and up)

Monday-Friday – TBD

Saturday, Sunday and Holidays (after 2:00 PM) – TBD

JUNORS (16 and under)

Monday – Thursday

18 Hole Cart Fee – TBD

*A valid drivers license is required to drive golf carts*

*All cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance of the scheduled tee time.

Proper GOLF ATTIRE is required at all time on the course.   Please, no jeans, jean shorts, tee shirts, halter tops or tank tops. Collared shirts required for men and appropriate tops of women. Shining Rock is a soft-spike only facility. The dress code will be strictly enforced.